Can Obama save the world?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The main campaign slogan of President Barack Obama was, Change We Can Believe In. Given that slogan, we must ask a question: "Why did President Obama hire many of the same people who worked in the Clinton administration?" That doesn't seem like change. It seems like status quo.
One reason why President Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. said almost the same words, that a bailout would save the economy and never happen again, is because they're elected to protect the system --- not fix it. Could one reason why President Obama hired virtually the same financial team from the Clinton administration be because he is interested in protecting the same system --- a system to make the rich get even richer? Only time will tell.
The roots of the crisis

In 1913, the creation of Federal Reserve System granted the very rich of the world the power to control the money supply of the U.S. and fulfill the spirit of Rothschild's sentiments. Many people don't know or understand that the Federal Reserve System is not a government institution or a bank, nor does it have any reserves. Rather, it is a banking cartel run by some of the most powerful men in the financial world. The creation of the Fed was basically a license to print money.

How does this affect me?
In the big picture of personal finance, there are 3 financial forces that cause most people to work hard yet struggle financially. They are:
  1. Taxes
  2. Debt 
  3. Inflation
Source: Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money
Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money


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